Disposable Menus

Starts from : £ 80

Design Duration : 2-3 working days

Available in 90gsm and 120gsm un-coated with stock.


Disposable menu Printing services in UK:

Create a waterproof & disposable menu printing, available in a wide range, different sizes these single-use disposable menus can be given to the customers while they dine in and can be thrown , disposed of immediately after the use or they leave the restaurant.

The pandemic COVID situation demands the disposable menu's and Menuma print specializes in disposable menu printing services at an affordable price. It also saves the time for the restaurant staff that they need to bother to clean the restaurant menu card very often.

This COVID -19 pandemic had made customers aware of the single-use or disposable restaurant menu card & they are more aware of the spread of the germs. The restaurant menu is the often touched product before eating food. Hence it needs the proper sanitization & nowadays the restaurant goes for single-use/disposable menus.